The Central Kentucky Network of Baptists is a collective partnership of like-minded and like-missioned churches who believe we are all better together. As part of this commitment, we come together to help resource one another in some specific areas...
Leadership Development
We are committed to empowering leaders in our Network. One of the avenues through which this happens is pastors gathering in group settings and learning from each other. Our goal is to equip pastors and church ministry leaders with great opportunities to develop and grow in a casual environment that they can take and apply in their ministry to strengthen the local church and see life-change take place. Each of our Development events reflect our belief that we are truly better together, so there is a great deal of emphasis placed on fellowship and networking with one another as well as providing opportunities to learn from and be informed by one another and leading voices in ministry.
Our ongoing Pastoral development initiative is our First Tuesday Pastors Lunch. Each month, Pastors gather on the first Tuesday for a meal and a time of fellowship. We have a rotation of locations and focuses at these lunches to address topics of Personal Development, Professional Instruction, and Care & Support. These are always highlight events on our Network calendar.
Support Staff and Ministry Leaders engage through our Coffee & Conversation Initiative. C&C gives those in ministry leadership an opportunity to network with other ministry leaders in the area as well as a time to share ideas and support for one another. Currently, there are C&C meetings for Student Ministry Leaders, College & Family Leaders, and Worship Ministry Leaders.
Church Health
One of our primary goals as a Network is to equip leaders with any pertinent skills necessary for developing local churches to more effectively fulfill the Great Commission and Great Commandment. This is the heartbeat behind our strategy of developing healthy leaders who will lead healthy local churches.
Whether through training the pastor individually or pastor and leadership team, we strive to host relevant events throughout the year to address areas the necessity and facilitation of church health. Our Network Staff is also continually seeking education opportunities to better serve our churches seeking consultation, coaching and / or guidance.
Church Planting
Another purpose of the CKNB is to assist in developing an ongoing strategy of church planting, revitalization, disciple-making, and ministry. To that end, the CKNB will focus energy and resources in three distinct areas:
Identifying potential church planters
Equipping new church plants to launch and sustain effective ministry
Developing an ongoing strategy to connect Network churches with the information, training & resources necessary to plant new churches throughout Central Kentucky & beyond.
Ministry Support
Part of the DNA of the CKNB is intentional Community Ministries. By that, we exist to support our affiliated local churches as they make an impact in their communities by identifying and meeting needs. This accomplishes two important goals...
Creates an avenue to positively influence the area immediately around the local church and
Facilitates life-change by introducing people to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our Network seeks to partner with churches who are seeking to have a community impact and eagerly look for ways to help equip and grow churches in this effort.