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Spreading Joy and Gratitude: Sunrise Children's Home Thanksgiving Offering

by Brad Pearce Ambassador of KBC Partnership & Special Events


Isn’t Thanksgiving a wonderful time of the year? I am already salivating thinking about the pumpkin pie and sweet potato casserole waiting for me on Thursday. It is good to gather together with family members and celebrate the blessings God has given us.

We absolutely should be thankful and enjoy the blessings God has given us. However, we should also be aware that there are many others who do not share our same experience. Right now, all across the state of Kentucky there are teenagers and sibling groups sleeping in state offices because they have no where else to go.

In Kentucky, we are blessed to have a group like Sunrise Children’s Services that owns the mission of caring for as many of these children as they can and placing those children with Christian families. They work tirelessly to equip Christian families with the tools they need to care for a vulnerable population. Sunrise also has multiple care facilities across the state. The work they are doing is good, essential, and God-honoring.

Galatians 6:10 reads, “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

As a Kentucky Baptist pastor myself, I recognize Sunrise not just as a mission, but as a direct part of MY mission. They are a part of the Cooperative Program and they are serving children in MY Jerusalem and Judea. I am so proud of the work they are doing and I want to be a part of it in the ways the Lord has equipped me to so.

This time of the year we are often thinking about ways we can give thanks to God. We often lift up special prayers our share our moments of thanks with our friends and family. But one of the best ways to show our thanks to God is to simply obey His Word. When we do good to everyone, especially those in the household of faith we are showing God that we are thankful and receptive to His Word and direction for our lives.

Here are some ways we can do good for Sunrise Children’s Services this year...

Participate in the Sunrise Children’s Services Thanksgiving offering. Each year, this offering helps to fund the vital work that is done through Sunrise Children's Services. Your donation will be used to be the hands and feet of Christ to children and families in need of love, support and provision.

Put up yard signs that point interested foster parents to Sunrise. This is one of the lowest effort - highest result missions you can find. All you have to do is place signs at intersections where they are allowed. My church has been working on Clay’s Ferry area and it has already read to multiple calls of interested parents to connect with Sunrise. Canvasing an area makes a great Saturday afternoon ministry. For signs email Allison Gaertner (

Join our Sunrise Task Force. This group will be taking churches to Sunrise facilities across the state to highlight ways churches can partner with them and care for the children in need. We will be taking a group in January and need a few more interested churches to sign up. Email Brad Pearce (

Learn more about fostering. Not everyone is called to be a foster parent, but some are! If you are interested in learning more about what it takes to care for the next generation call Sunrise at 859-455-8185

‌No one can do everything, but we can all do something. Our friends a Sunrise Children’s Services are making an impact on the next generation for the glory of God! May we as a Network support them in all the ways we can.

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