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Mayfield / Graves Co. Recovery Group Calling for Local Associations Partnership Tornado Recovery

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

As you probably know that eastern and western portions of the commonwealth have been hit with disasters, leaving so many people, businesses and ministries to pick up the pieces and start the process of rebuilding and recovering. That recovery process is a slow process.

The Mayfield/Graves County Long Term Recovery Group is working hard to help with this. We are blessed to have one of our Pastors (Al Chandler from Northside Baptist) as the chair. I serve on the executive board along with several other Pastors and church members and leaders in our Southern Baptist churches and also with leaders from other denominations.

One of the biggest problems is the number of displaced renters due to the tornado. After much prayer and discussion, our Long Term Recovery group has been led to do a project called "Home for the Holidays". The goal is to get 25 families (mainly renters) in 25 homes by Dec. 25th. We know that it is a big task and that is why we need help with it.

We are purchasing abandoned homes to fix up so people can move in them. Please see the attached flyer for more information about this endeavor. This document also serves as a bulletin insert for churches to use in worship gatherings if they so choose. If you, your church or association would like to join the effort, please reach out.

In His Service, Mike Jones Associational Mission Strategist Graves County Baptist Association


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