First Baptist Church, on Lexington Avenue in Winchester, Kentucky, an unaffiliated Baptist church, is actively and prayerfully seeking a full-time pastor. We are a loving and welcoming congregation, certain that God is present in connecting us with a pastor who wishes to find a home with us and a connection to our community.
We have a strong foundation and history, which spans over 150 years, in the downtown area of our small town. Our congregation is composed of multi-generational families, families who have joined in recent years, couples, young families, and visitors. Our Candidate is required to be a strong leader, working collaboratively alongside staff, men and women deacons, committees, our big-hearted volunteers and community leaders. Leadership skills must include listening, communicating, and conflict resolution. We are looking forward to working with a pastor who appropriately counsels, visits our homebound, ill, bereaved, and follows up with visitors.
We are seeking a pastor who will advocate for a renewed focus on our children’s department and our elderly congregation. We need a pastor who is comfortable with technology, who will encourage progress as we update our church structures, and continue to grow our missions and outreach.
Our Sunday morning worship service incorporates blending of traditional elements with some elements of contemporary worship centered on scripture-based sermon messages. We are a motivated and compassionate congregation, ready to support our pastor. The interpersonal skills being sought for this position include openness, a caring spirit, and an approachable mindset. We seek a person who has a good sense of humor, a good sense of self, and a drive to establish and follow through with goals.
Our Pastor Search Committee is currently responding to questions and accepting resumes. If interested, please visit website to submit an application: https://www.fbcwinchesterky.com/prospective-candidates. Please contact us at fbcwinchesterpastorsearch@gmail.com with questions. We are requesting that you include your resume, letter of inquiry, and statement of your beliefs to us after you complete the application form.
Please join with us at the Central Kentucky Network of Baptists in praying for FBC Winchester as they prayerfully search and seek God's direction in the selection for their next pastor.