If you are married, the only relationship more sacred than the one you share with your spouse is your personal relationship with Christ. When God designed the institution of marriage, He did so with this very fact in mind, inviting married couples into a shared relationship Jesus as well.
In a hectic world, couples face so many obstacles to the true and meaningful intimacy needed to foster a healthy and lasting marriage. Whether it be finding the balance between work and home, or navigating the chaotic schedules which come along with establishing and nurturing a growing family, it can become all to easy for couples to feel as if they are drifting from one another, carried away by the current of life which pulls in a million different directions.
For this reason, it is vital that Christian couples intentionally invest in and make a point to make time to grow together as they do life together. Commonwealth City Church in Lexington wants to help provide a unique opportunity for just that. This October, Central Kentucky Baptists are invited to join CCC for their "Passionate Intimacy Workshop," weekend retreat with Dr. Michael Sytsma. At this retreat, couples will be challenged to nurture emotional, physical and spiritual intimacy in their marriage from a Biblical Perspective.
If you are interested in taking part in this special event, you can learn more here. Act fast, as there are a limited number of spots available. Any other questions regarding this event can be directed to Commonwealth City Church, event host.

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