LEXINGTON, June 2023 -- The CKNB is thrilled to introduce Dr. Jerry Johnson as our new Collegiate Ministry Specialist, who will be spearheading an exciting new Collegiate Ministry Initiative within our network. Dr. Johnson brings a wealth of experience and a deep passion for empowering college students in their faith journeys. We are confident that under his leadership, our college aged ministry efforts will flourish and make a significant impact in the lives of young adults.
Our Collegiate Ministry Initiative envisions the establishment of a vibrant college aged ministry environment throughout Central Kentucky Baptist Churches. We aim to encourage church communities where every college-aged young adult feels embraced, valued, and equipped to navigate their faith journey. With a strong emphasis on intentional outreach, effective discipleship, and strategic partnerships, our vision is to nurture a generation of disciples who are grounded in Christ, equipped for leadership, and passionately committed to transforming the world around them as lifetime leaders in their churches.
Jerry will lead an effort to identify the needs of our churches and college-aged students, developing impactful marketing strategies, providing training events and workshops for church leaders involved in college aged ministry, fostering collaboration and networking among churches, and facilitating connections between our churches and the Baptist campus ministry at the University of Kentucky. Through these efforts, we aim to empower our churches to effectively reach and support college-age adults, creating a thriving collegiate ministry community within our network.
Jerry's Bio
Dr. Johnson has served as a Baptist Campus Minister for over 40 years at the University of Georgia, Georgia Southern University, Columbus State University, Concord State University, and Spalding College.
For the past year, he has served with Kentucky Baptists and the Franklin Baptist Association helping to build up the ministry at Kentucky State University. He currently serves as the Baptist Campus Missionary at Transylvania University with Kentucky Baptists and the Central Kentucky Network of Baptists.
Jerry and his wife Leslie have one son, Daniel (Daniel is the senior campus minister at the Baptist Campus Ministry at the University of Kentucky). Daniel is married to Sarah, a local pharmacist. They have one son, Caleb, who is a year old.
Jerry is a graduate of Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia and holds a Masters degree and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southern Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.
Please join us in welcoming Jerry as our Collegiate Ministry Specialist and partner with us in this transformative endeavor. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of college students and shape their faith journeys in remarkable ways.