Cedar Grove Baptist Church in Stamping Ground is pleased to announce Landon Copley as their new pastor. Landon has served in ministry for 9 years; most recently as Senior Pastor at First Baptist of Olive Hill for 5 years.
Landon says “Pastoral ministry is one of the most challenging and rewarding tasks that a man can do with his life. What I love about pastoral ministry most is the ability to spend my time studying God’s Word and leading his saints in it.” Cedar Grove is beyond thankful for the faithfulness of the Lord in providing a man who has a passion for His word and love for His church.
Landon and his wife, Lori, have been married for almost 10 years and have two beautiful daughters, Leighton and Lottie. Their family bleeds blue for UK! They enjoy the outdoors, music, and opening their home for a time of fellowship with others.
Join with us at the Central Kentucky Network of Baptists in welcoming the Copley's to this great Network church. We look forward to serving Christ together on mission for the Kingdom!